Awards and Grants


The Dana M. Thompson Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Award

In recognition of a leader who has served to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, through activism and/or research in the field, focused on advancing the health and well-being of children. This award is named after Dr. Dana Thompson, a role model for aspiring professionals in the arena of pediatric otolaryngologic and communication disorders. This award is given by SENTAC every year for a member of the community who exemplifies the leadership and championship of Dr. Dana Thompson in diversity, equity and inclusion in our field.

2023 Award Recipient: Marie Brown-Wagner, MD


SENTAC Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Awards

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Committee

The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Committee was created to promote diversity, equity, collaborative partnerships, and multidisciplinary strategies among its members. The DEI Committee goals are to enhance the inclusion/retention of diverse membership, increase the breadth and depth of presentations at the annual meeting that focus on diversity and health inequities, and increase support for diversity, equity, and inclusion research in the field.

To execute their goals, in 2023, Dr. Jareen Meinzen-Derr and Dr. Stephanie Zacharias, co-chairs of SENTAC’s DEI Committee, submitted a proposal for an R13 grant to the National Institutes of Health. Their goal is to implement a comprehensive strategy for supporting DEI initiatives within SENTAC’s scientific meetings. Activities include enhancing diversity (such as women and those from underrepresented or marginalized racial and ethnic groups) in membership and attendees, and supporting research presentations and educational sessions that focus on health inequities.

The proposal was approved for a five-year period! In 2023, SENTAC was able to provide support to 16 trainees to attend our 2023 Annual Meeting!

Looking ahead, SENTAC plans to incorporate more special sessions focused on health disparity research, include special sessions led by diverse teams, and provide support to individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, and those with disabilities.

Gray Humanitarian Award

In recognition of humanitarian service towards the amelioration of children’s ear, nose, and throat disorders. This award is named after Dr. Steven Gray, an icon for pediatric otolaryngology. Dr. Gray was a clinician, a scientist, and a gentle human being. He was known for the kindness and respect he showed to his patients, colleagues, and friends. This award is given by SENTAC every year to a member of the otolaryngology community who exemplifies the humanitarian philosophy of Steven Gray.

2023 Award Recipient: Eswaran Venkata Raman, MD


Ruben Scientific Achievement Award

In recognition of outstanding scientific achievement towards the care of children’s ear, nose and throat disorders. This award is named after Dr. Robert Ruben, one of the fathers and current leaders of pediatric otolaryngology. Dr. Ruben has lead our profession forward in both his scientific discoveries and publication, as well as his emphasis of the scientific method. This award is given every year by SENTAC to a member of the otolaryngology community who exemplifies the virtues of Dr. Robert Ruben, and pushing forward the scientific advancement of our field.

2023 Award Recipient: Karen Gordon, PhD, Reg. CASLPO, CCC-A


Stool Teaching Award

In recognition of outstanding teaching and mentorship. This award is named after one of the fathers of pediatric otolaryngology, Dr. Sylvan Stool. Dr. Stool was admired by his students and mentees for being an incredible teacher. This award is given by SENTAC every year for a member of the otolaryngology community who exemplifies the strong educational philosophy of Sylvan Stool.

2023 Award Recipient: Steven D. Handler, MD MBE


Congratulations to our 2022 Award Recipients!

Paige Stringer, MS, MPH
Gray Humanitarian Award
Josech Kerschner, MD
Robert Rubin Scientific Achievement Award
Earl Harley, MD
Dana M. Thompson Award
Patrick Barth, MD
Sylvan Stool Teaching Award

SENTAC Academic Bowl

Congratulations to this year’s Pediatric Otolaryngology Academic Bowl

2023 — Rady Children’s Hospital, San Diego! 

Previous Academic Bowl Winners

  • 2022 — Children’s National Team

  • 2021 — University of Iowa 

  • 2020 — Rady Children’s Hospital San Diego Team

  • 2019 — Toronto’s Sick Children Team

  • 2018 — Texas Children’s Hospital Team

 Previous Award Recipients

2022 – Patrick Barth, MD 
2021 – Marci Lesperance MD, M.S. FACS
2020 – Depak Mehta, MD
2019 – Claire Kane Miller, PhD, MHA, CCC-SLP
2018 – Michael J. Rutter, MD
2017 – Richard Seewald, MD
2016 – Anthony Magit, MD
2015 – Blake Papsin, MD
2014 – Seth Pransky, MD
2013 – David Darrow, MD
2012 – Earl Harley, MD
2011 – Craig Derkay, MD
2010 – Tania Sih, MD
2009 – Michael Cunningham, MD
2008 – Judith S. Gravel, PhD
2007 – Linda Brodsky, MD
2006 – Roger R. Marsh, PhD
2005 – Robert J. Ruben, MD
2004 – James Reilly, MD
2003 – Jacob Friedberg, MD
2002 – Dave Parsons, MD
2001 – Joan Arvedson, PhD
2000 – Ken Grundfast, MD
1999 – Charles Bluestone, MD
1998 – Sanford Gerber, PhD
1997 – William Potsic, MD
1996 – Cub Culbertson, MD
1994 – Marion Downs
2022 – Joseph Kerschner, MD
2021 – Margaret A. Kenna MD, MPH
2020 – Diego Preciado, MD
2019 – Albert Park, MD
2018 – Pablo Antonio Ysunza, M D, PhD
2017 – Robert Harrison, DSc
2016 – Karen Pepe, MD
2015 – J. Paul Willging, MD
2014 – Jonathan Perkins, DO
2013 – Jeremy Sugarman, MD
2012 – Richard Cruess, MD & Sylvia Cruess MD
2011 – Mark Haggard, PhD
2010 – Christine Yoshinaga-Itano, PhD
2009 – Blake Papsin, MD
2008 – Francoise Denoyelle, MD
2007 – Craig Derkay, MD
2006 – Margaretha Casselbrant, MD
2005 – Robin T. Cotton, MD
2004 – Robert Sphrintzen, MD
2003 – Richard Smith, MD
2002 – Richard Rosenfield, MD
2001 – Pat Brookhouser, MD
2000 – Charles Berlin, MD
1999 – Jack Paradise, MD
1998 – Jerome Klein, MD
1996 – John Evans, MD
2022 – Paige Stringer, MS, MPH
2021 – Tania Sih MD, PhD, FACS
2020 – Lisa Buckmiller, MD
2018 – Dr. Kishore Sandu
2016 – Dana Suskind, MD
2014 – Kenneth Grundfast MD
2013 – Drew Horlbeck, MD
2012 – Bruce Maddern, MD
2011 – Glenn Isaacson, MD
2010 – Robert F. Ward, MD
2009 – Constance Lusk, RN
2008 – Harlan Muntz, MD
2007 – James Smith, MD
2006 – David Parsons, MD
2005 – Andrew J. Hotaling, MD
2004 – Sylvan Stool, MD
2022- Earl Harley, MD 
2012 – Harlan Muntz, MD
2009 – Lawrence M. Simon, MD
2005 – Ken Kazahaya, MD